Averant Announces Solidify 7.2
Introducing a Helper Engine for the Hard Case Solver

Oakland, Calif. - June 16, 2022 - Averant Inc., the First In FormalTM leader in property verification of RTL designs for digital circuits, today announces the upcoming shipment of Solidify 7.2. This version introduces a helper engine for the hard case solver which first shipped in 2020.

"Averant's hard case solver has been an exciting development in the interrelated and foundational fields of safety critical design, hardware validation, property verification, sequential equivalency checking and automated theorem proving", said Ramin Hojati, president of Averant. "In release 7.2, we borrowed ideas from earlier works to design a helper engine which improves the performance of the hard case solver, and enables it to solve previously unproven problems. In some internal examples, we observed an almost two orders of magnitude improvement in run-time. This was a large development effort as code was written from scratch to allow for adaptation and customized improvement in this new environment. The two approaches are complimentary. The hard case solver asks for help when it encounters a difficult problem. One difficult sub-problem is then identified and handed to the new helper engine to produce solutions which can be used back in the hard case solver. This process can be repeated multiple times over the verification of a single property. We expect the complimentary nature of these two approaches to push the frontiers of what was possible, specially as they continue to mature and be fine-tuned."


Release 7.2 is expected to be available for use in the Summer of 2022.

About Averant

Averant Inc. is a privately held EDA firm specializing in formal verification of digital designs. Averant's signature product is Solidify, a robust platform for property, protocol, and automatic design checks - all without the need for simulators or test vectors. Averant's tools are easily adopted into the design flow, and help improve quality, reduce risk, and speed the design process. For more information, visit http://www.averant.com.

For inquiries:

Ramin Hojati
Averant, Inc.

Jun 16, 2022

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