Averant Announces Solidify 7.1
Featuring New Hard Case Engine
Oakland, Calif. - August 17, 2021 - Averant Inc., the First In FormalTM leader in property verification of RTL designs for digital circuits, today announces the upcoming shipment of Solidify 7.1. This version features major improvements to a new verification engine first shipped in 2020 which has become the best tool for hard cases.
"Our new hard case engine is now available as part of our verification and sequential equivalency flows," said Ramin Hojati, president of Averant. "Since the introduction of this technology nearly a year and a half ago, we have implemented a set of improvements and have even more ideas in the pipeline. Our customers now have access to another option for their difficult to prove cases, which integrates an innovative and powerful approach to property verification while collaborating with the existing ones. The combination of several state-of-the-art verification techniques, integrated equivalency checking for simplifying the design, testbench-less bug hunting, property coverage, automatic design checks, proof flow automation, multi-processing support, and support for standard languages makes Solidify a very powerful and complete property verification tool, which should be part of every design and verification flow."
Release 7.1 is expected to be available for use in the Fall of 2021.
About Averant
Averant Inc. is a privately held EDA firm specializing in formal verification of digital designs. Averant's signature product is Solidify, a robust platform for property, protocol, and automatic design checks - all without the need for simulators or test vectors. Averant's tools are easily adopted into the design flow, and help improve quality, reduce risk, and speed the design process. For more information, visit http://www.averant.com.
For inquiries:Ramin Hojati
Averant, Inc.
Aug 17, 2021
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